Meet Danielle Sullivan!

3 Questions with Bancroft Social Worker Danielle Sullivan

3 Questions with Bancroft Social Worker Danielle Sullivan

To celebrate #SocialWorkMonth, we asked one Bancroft social worker to describe the difference she makes — and why she loves what she does.

Q: What do you love about your work?

I love our purpose and mission. We help the individuals we support meet their goals and realize their full potential. I enjoy building relationships with the people in our care, their families and my coworkers. When the entire team works toward the same goal, the outcomes can be limitless and the process is so enjoyable.

Q: What attracted you to social work?

I have always enjoyed interacting with and helping others. What differentiates a career in social work from other professions is how we approach the individual and their family – and critical role we play in helping to find solutions. This entails a great amount of communication, so we understand both the individual and their family’s needs, goals and hopes – and so we can provide resources. Social workers empower others and work to support each other.

Q: Describe the impact you make on the lives of the individuals and families you’ve met.

Social workers play a unique role. Many of the families we work with (a family looking for residential treatment, for example) are going through scary and stressful times. As a social worker, I become a partner and resource for that family, supporting them and allowing them to feel heard. It can be a relief to know they’ll continue to be included and updated on their loved one’s care.

I also love seeing a person reach their goals, big or small. We celebrate everything from small victories like remembering to take a deep breath when they are frustrated, to big victories like moving back home with their family or into a group home setting. This job is extremely rewarding!


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